Sunday, June 5, 2011

Watch Out, Target...

Yesterday, Brooke and I went to Target with Ava. This isn't the first time she has been to Target, but it is definitely her first trip since she has been able to pick things up. As a side note, unfortunately (for Target), she is also able to throw things down. I think other babies do this too, though, because the floor of the baby section was littered with discarded items (or maybe it was a new marketing plan...not sure). I'm bringing my push broom with me next time, though, and I expect to be paid.

When we got into the baby section, I decided to let Ava touch some of the clothes, just to see what would happen. She immediately grabbed the hanger each time I gave her an opportunity and proceeded to pick up every single thing she touched (except for a really tacky gray jumper that I think she found to be unbecoming and somewhat drab for this season).

If this trip was any indication, she will want to purchase approximately 1,999 out of 2,000 pieces of clothing that she sees. This will be fine as long as we can start shopping at flea markets and garage sales...but not at Target.

She also rode in the buggy for the first time, gripping the steel bar (which I'm certain had been completely sanitized by one of the many conscientious teenage Target employees that I saw wandering around the store) and seemingly enjoying the ride. She especially enjoyed the food processor section for some reason. Perhaps this indicates that she will develop an interest in blending later in life. Many babies begin developing their interests as early as 6 months, I'm told. For example, Barack Obama was sharing baby food (that didn't belong to him, obviously) with other babies when he was 4 days old. And look at him now.

All in all, we had a ball at Target, and as soon as we can save up enough money to cover Brooke's next spontaneous raid on the baby clearance merchandise, we will probably go back. So practice your grip, Ava, and hang on for dear life to that filthy steel bar. Just don't lick it.


  1. Save up for a buggy bag...they are WONDERFUL! And they go in high chair which you will soon be needing too. However Target also has wipes near the carts so you can pull a Maggie and completely over kill with 2 or 3 wipes and smother them on every possible nook and cranny you can get to. :)

  2. Ha!! Maggie, you know me! I have a buggy bag. And I would have used it, except Daddy had other plans! We ALWAYS take her carseat in the store. ALWAYS. Except that night, of course. Jeremy decided to take her in without the carseat and just carry her through the store. Until his arms got heavy. Believe me, I protested. Daddy won the battle, but not the war!! :)
