Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ava's Wednesday Bible Class

I love that our church has a Bible class for babies! The class is for newborns until about 18 months-2 years (whenever the parent decides to move the child up to the next class) of age. 

I did not start taking Ava into class until she was 4 months old. I wanted to wait until she could sit up in the little chairs and hold her head up. I also wanted to sit in Jeremy's Sunday morning and Wednesday night class. I feel like it is so important for me so support his work, but there came a point where Ava needed to be learning too. 

She loves Bible class!! Mrs. Cindy Dixon is the teacher on Sundays and Mrs. Janiece Dixon is the teacher on Wednesdays. The same songs are repeated over and over every time so that the class can learn routine and repetition. I have learned some new songs in the process and Ava and I "practice" playing church at home. Jeremy and I both feel it is so important that Ava learns the appropriate behaviors for a worship assembly. I feel like the nursery class is a great way to do that. 

Here are some photos of class tonight:

 Ava and Avery see each other a lot during the week so they always look at each other like, "Hey! I know you!" They do this a lot during Bible class too. I love it!!

 Talon plays with the little bee.

 Ava loves the little frog. I guess she gets that from her momma!

 Mrs. Janiece gives Ava some attention with the little ducky puppet.

 Cooper comes to check out the action after class is over.

 Ava enjoys this bouncer more than the one we have at home. This one is more colorful and has more gadgets and gizmos.

Avery has a good time playing as well!

What a great night!

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