Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The 7 Year "Itch" To Get Out Of The House!

Yesterday marked 7 years of marriage for Jeremy and Me. It was a pretty typical day. We woke up to the sound of Ava. Jeremy leaned over and kissed me good morning and told me, "Happy Anniversary." He went to work while I started breakfast for Ava and myself. I had planned on cleaning our filthy house yesterday, but Jeremy told me not to. He told me to just enjoy my day. So I did :) Ava and I sat outside for about an hour and a half. Then, I blogged a little bit while she took a nap.

Jeremy got home in time for me to get ready for our big date. Last year, I put on diamonds, sparkly black and silver shoes, and my new magenta colored silk dress. We went to Birmingham for a $400 dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. This year, however, was very different!! I put on my stretchy jeans and a tank top with matching cardigan. I blow dried my hair, but put on no make-up. We were both all about comfort this year!! I switched out my purse so that I could put Jeremy's anniversary gifts in it without his knowledge.

Our good friend from church, Gayla Marlowe, came over to our house to watch Ava for us. After briefly telling her about Ava's evening schedule, we pulled out of the driveway. We had no idea where we were heading. We decided after a few minutes that we would eat at TOKYO Japanese Steakhouse in Taylorville. I was really excited because the Japanese Steakhouse went right along with the theme of Jeremy's anniversary gifts :)

My plan was to wait until after dinner to let Jeremy open his gifts, but I was too excited. When he learned that I came bearing gifts, he was excited too!! He started opening his presents right after our order was taken :) We are both not good at waiting!!

I had Jeremy open the smallest gift first. He was impressed that I had wrapped the gifts in black. It was very masculine!

Hmm...Canvas coffee filters. He was intrigued! For anyone who does not know Jeremy, he is a coffee connoisseur. Last year, he was introduced to the french press coffee maker and has not looked back! In fact, he gave away our traditional coffee maker because he was so sure that he would never go back. And he hasn't!

The second of three gifts. By this time, he knew it had something to do with coffee, but he did not know what to expect. His guess was that there must be a product that is better than French Press, although he was unaware of what it might be. He is a great guesser!

I skipped taking a picture of opening the third gift and instead got a shot of him with both gifts. A new Hario Drip Pot and a Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill Skerton. Basically, this is a Japanese coffee maker and grinder with additional canvas coffee filters. It is supposed to be every coffee lover's dream. I ordered it from Williams-Sonoma three weeks ago when I saw it in a magazine. I knew that Jeremy would love it! He was really excited to come home and try it!

After our insanely particular meal (Jeremy and I both ordered a really complicated menu with tons of substitutions and deletions; the server and chef just decided to go ahead and cook our order with us being the only two at the table. Yes, it was that complicated!) we decided to go see The Avengers in 3D. This was Jeremy's 3rd time to see it and my first time. It was a really good movie that I will see again on DVD. I tried to take pictures of Jeremy next to the posters, but the lighting was way off. This was the best I could do!

When the movie was over, Jeremy and I leaned in to kiss each other. When I pulled back, I said, "I know this isn't romantic, but I have a fever blister in my nose and it really hurt when we kissed because your nose squashed mine." He started laughing and said, "that's funny because I also have a fever blister in my nose and it hurt when your nose squashed mine." :) Isn't that true love? Being able to discuss fever blisters and noses on your 7 year anniversary? :) I thought it was sweet. I think this must be the point when we realize that we are no longer newlyweds!!

Anyway, after our movie, we went to TCBY for a frozen yogurt and made our way home. I walked into our house that suspiciously smelled of Pine-Sol. The more I looked around, the more I noticed things that were cleaner than I left them. I asked Gayla if she cleaned our house and she just smiled. Jeremy then told me that two friends from church, Alisha Jaynes and Caitlin Middleton had come over to clean our house while we were on our date. They cleaned our filthy, smelly, dirty dishes, along with our bathrooms. They mopped our floors and dusted EVERYTHING! They also polished our dining room table. I was so shocked because I was not expecting anything extra than a nice dinner date!

It was so nice to go to sleep on clean sheets with the smell of Pine-Sol in the air. I thoroughly enjoyed our night on the town and hope that we can do it again some time soon!

To Ava and Greta:
  1. When choosing a spouse, he has to measure up to your dad. Not only will your father be sitting on the porch with a shotgun, but your momma will refuse to pay for a wedding unless he measures up. I love you both, but if he isn't going to treat you well, you're not going to marry him with our blessing! :)
  2. Marry someone who puts your interests above his own. Please realize that you also have to put his interests above your own. The Bible says to outdo one another in showing love. Make that your motto.
  3. Don't forget to "date" your spouse...even when you have children. This does not mean that you have to spend $400 on a dinner. It means that you set aside time to spend with one another. It may be when the kids are asleep. You may take a quilt to your backyard and stare at the stars for a half hour before going back inside. Take the time to stay in love.
  4. Marriage is not about getting everything that YOU want. If you go into a marriage thinking that your spouse needs to give in to your every whim, then your father and I have not taught you well. We will do our best to instill these values in you. Please trust us. It does not mean that we have everything figured out (because we don't) but we are trying to help you become a person who will one day help your spouse and children get to Heaven.
  5. Don't get married to someone unless you KNOW that they will help you get to Heaven. True success is living your life and going to Heaven. That's it.

Yes, this is our anniversary post, but there are always lessons for you to learn. Please know that Mommy and Daddy love you so much and are trying to help you to be Godly wives. We love you both!!

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