Friday, September 30, 2011

Trip To Florence, Alabama

This past Thursday, we had the opportunity to visit Florence, Alabama, for the "God Does Not Exist" debate between Blair Scott and Kyle Butt. I will have a lengthy post about the actual debate in a later post, but for now I want to post some pictures of the fun stuff that we did with the James family in Florence!

We arrived in Florence at about 4:00 in the afternoon and checked into our hotel. We were all starving, so we agreed to eat at Umi's. It was the neatest Japanese Steakhouse that I have ever been to! The decor was beautiful and the sushi was fantastic!! It was so good that we went back the next day for lunch! We had the option of dining in a private room on the floor like a traditional Japanese mealtime, but we wanted to sit at a table with chairs. There was no way we were going to let Ava crawl around our food at a low table!! The hostess, instead, gave us a private room with a table and chairs. We enjoyed sitting in a quiet space all to ourselves.

We went to the debate immediately after dinner and then went back to the hotel after that. Ava was such a trooper the whole time!! When we got back to our room, she decided that she had had enough!! She would not go to sleep! I don't know what the trouble was, but she would only sleep on Jeremy's chest and when she was placed in her Pack 'n Play, she would scream and choke and gasp for breath. It was so sad!! She finally fell asleep at about 3 am. It was a really bad night, but she woke up happy the next morning!! In all, we had a great time!!

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