Friday, September 16, 2011

Playing Outside

Yesterday was overcast and a little cool. In other words, it was the  perfect day to play outside! Ava is a very hot natured child who always seems to be sweating while her skin is hot to the touch. Many times I have taken her temperature and found that it was completely normal. She is just hot!! I don't like taking her outside on days when I know she will sweat profusely. Yesterday was perfectly mild, so we played outside for about an hour.

 I took her to our front stoop to crawl up and down the sidewalk. She didn't like that idea and instead picked at the grass and the mulch in our little garden. Several times I had to pull mulch out of her mouth! She was almost too quick for me!

 She still had a little bit of carrots from her breakfast on her cheek. I thought I got it all, but she is a wiggly one! I always miss a spot!

 Here she is with some of the wood chips from our garden. I should have known better. But, I really thought that she would burn off some energy and crawl all over the place!

 After too many times of pulling wood chips out of her mouth, I decided to move to our back patio. It seemed much safer. :) This is one of the first dried leaves of Fall. She didn't know what to do with it!

 I had to laugh! Ava reached over the side of the patio and tried to grab some grass. Instead, she toppled over into it. She did not hurt herself, but she did cry a little bit. I think it just scared her. I rolled her over and told her she was okay. That seemed to do the trick. I will say that she was more careful the next time she tried to pull the grass!

 She successfully crawled back onto the concrete and continued playing with the torn up leaf. Before it was time to go inside, we walked over to the retaining wall and looked at the plants that were growing behind it.

These are some small yellow buds growing on what is probably a weed. The breeze was blowing and Ava would try to catch the leaves as they swooned back and forth. After a few minutes of this we decided to go back inside. It was time for a bottle and Ava's nap. I love days like this one!

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