Monday, September 26, 2011

Sock Monkey Shower

When I was pregnant with Ava, there were five other women at church who were pregnant at the same time: Jennifer, Rachel, Terri, Carla, and Katie. Jennifer, Rachel, Terri, and I were all due within six weeks of each other. Carla was due in April and Katie was due in June. I jokingly referred to this group of women as the Pregs. We had a cute picture taken of all of us (minus Katie because she was not telling anyone that she was pregnant) with our pregnant bellies. One of these days, we will get a new picture with all of us and our babies.

From left: Terri (baby Jillian), Carla (baby Sam), Me (baby Ava), Rachel (baby Anna Caroline), and Jennifer (baby Brody)

We all went on to have safe deliveries and all our babies are doing well. A few weeks after Anna Caroline was born, Rachel had the shock of a lifetime! She was pregnant again!! Basically, the day she went back to work, she asked off for another maternity leave! Anna Caroline and Stanley Clark Jr. (they will call him Tripp) will be 11 months apart! We are so happy for this growing family!

To celebrate this occasion, several of the ladies from church hosted a shower at my house in honor of Rachel and Baby Tripp. Tripp's nursery is painted gray with yellow and orange details, but we decided that the theme for the shower would be sock monkeys! We didn't want to go overboard because sock monkeys can look a little scary and there were going to be children at the shower. So, we opted for a red, cream, and brown color scheme with a few sock monkey details like invitations, cupcake toppers, and a diaper cake. Since Rachel LOVES chocolate, we had a chocoholic buffet. We also tried to keep the foods within the color scheme. It turned out really cute! It was a great day!

This was my first attempt at a diaper cake. I watched an online tutorial on how to make one and it was so simple! There are some things I will change the next time I make one: I will not buy silk ribbon, I will buy clear rubber bands, I will make the bow on top larger, and I will buy a sturdier base. But, I do think this turned out really neat for my first try!

 I bought this little guy off ebay for about $2. He was too cute to pass up and was the perfect size for this diaper cake. He was also the least scary looking sock monkey I could find! :)

 The table decor ended up looking really nice. Carla made a raspberry punch, Terri bought the chocolate cupcakes, and Peyton made the little cupcake toppers.

 Rachel and her oldest daughter, Gabrielle, opened a present together. Rachel's sister Reagan helped dispose of the bows and wrapping paper. She got so much stuff for her little boy!!

 These were just the gifts at the beginning of the shower. Several more people came as the party went on, and the gifts continued to pile up!

Littlest Big Sister: Anna Caroline! She didn't really want much to do with the shower. Instead, she played in Ava's room. I would say she had just as good of a time as her big sister and her mommy!

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