Saturday, September 3, 2011


I had not planned on posting anything today, but I was just on my facebook account and read something that I just had to post about. Facebook has an application that will tell you what your status was a year ago. I read mine and sighed. So sweet. A year ago today, I was 25 weeks pregnant with Ava and felt her hiccup for the first time. I remember those hiccups well. I would wake up every morning to her hiccups. Since she did not move a lot, those hiccups were the sign that everything was still progressing well with her and with the pregnancy. I love having Ava here in my life, but I sure do miss my pregnancy with her. It really isn't something that you can understand unless you have experienced it. You can appreciate it, but until you have another human being growing in your body, you can't know what it is like. I'm sorry if that sounds exclusive, I really don't mean it to be. There is just no other way I can explain it. Pregnancy is the neatest thing. I can totally understand why some women can get addicted to being pregnant!

I guess since I am blogging, I will go ahead and post some pics:

 This was last year at about 25 weeks. I was at Polishing the Pulpit with Jeremy and he felt her kick for the first time. I remember laying in our hotel bed one night reading a book (The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory) and she had begun to kick (as was her habit at about 10pm) I told Jeremy and he put his hand on my stomach and immediately drew it back in shock. I guess she knew her Daddy's hand was there, because she made her presence known!

This was last week. She had just finished her first "Big Girl Bath" in the bathtub. She is also using a big girl towel. She was all smiles after her bubble bath with all her bath toys. So much fun!

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