Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sissy Stories: A Dance With A Junebug

When Ava is older, I hope she can laugh at all the nonsense that went on during my childhood. I was not a crazy child. I was pretty quiet and stayed around my moms legs most of the time. I was extremely introverted and could even cry if you said "hi" to me. I did not want anyone to notice me! My sister, on the other hand, was very social!! Our teenage neighbors would come over to our house after school to fix Brittany's hair and push her on the swing. I would rather sit in the house and read a book. She was always invited to birthday parties; I was not. I don't say all this so you feel sorry for me. Believe me, I was totally comfortable in my own skin and did not care to do all the things she did. We have always been polar opposites and I accepted that at an early age. :)

I am not going to pretend that I was the perfect child. I was not. I did my fair share of back-talking, stomping off to my room, and door slamming (and my parents wore out my rear end for it too!) But I do believe that God gave Brittany all the sass! 

One evening, my mom and I were sitting in our living room watching TV. I was about 7 years old and Brittany was about 4 years old. Brittany was outside playing on the back porch even though it was dusk (you could not keep that girl inside for nothing!) The funniest part was that she was wearing her little white lace underwear with a pink bow on the front. She had a little white lace camisole to match. All of the grand-daughters had gotten a set of white lace panties with a matching camisole for Christmas. Brittany looked like a little lady; she always had perfume, high heels, and jewelry on, but if you looked at her nails, you would see dirt caked under them. She was an expert mud pie maker!! 

My mom walked to the back door and told Brittany to come inside. About 5 minutes passed and my mom went to the back door again. This time, Britt was a little sassy to her. My mom put a stop to it and told her to get inside NOW! Brittany walked into the living room where I was and put her hands on her hips. She smarted off to me too although I don't remember what she said. My mom sent her to her room to change into pajamas. As soon as Brittany turned around, my mom and I saw it! A HUGE Junebug attached to the lace on the back of Brittany's underwear!! (I guess she got what was coming to her!) :) I said, "Brittany, there is a huge Junebug on your underwear" (we were not allowed to say "butt"  until we were much older) Brittany kind of snarled at me and said, "nuh-uh." Woooo!! She was so SASSY!! My mom and I both pleaded with her to get it off, but she would not believe us. My mom finally said, "Fine!" Brittany did her prissy little march into her bedroom. It was quiet for a second and then all of a sudden we heard this piercing scream coming from the hallway. Brittany came running into the living room crying and begging my mom to "GET IT OFF!" As it turns out, Brittany had sort of believed us. She just didn't want us to know it. She had gone into her bedroom and looked at her backside in her floor length mirror. That is when she saw the Junebug.

I am not going to lie, I laughed so hard at her. I know it is not nice to laugh at people, but it was too funny! Hmmm...maybe I will tell this story at her rehearsal dinner! Haha! Probably not. But I do love this story so much. That is why I am archiving it for Ava. My mother shared all kinds of stories about her childhood with me when I was little, and I want to do the same for Ava. Hopefully, Ava can share these stories with her children one day, if the Lord wills.

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