Wednesday, November 9, 2011

30 Days Of Thankfulness: Day 9

Today I am thankful for my husband. It is probably odd to many people that I did not give thanks for Jeremy on November 1st. Well, there is a reason. I wanted to wait until November 9th, because 8 years ago today, we officially started our relationship with a kiss. 

Jeremy and I met at church in February of 2003. We quickly became best friends and did everything together. My closest friends had always been girls, so it was a bit different having a really close guy friend. Jeremy would go shopping with me and invite me over to his house to play slaps. He always won and never took it easy on me! There were many times I left his house with red, swollen, hands!

Our relationship changed over the months and we both realized that we were in love. We even talked about marriage before we actually started dating! On November 9th, 2003, Jeremy and I were sitting on my parents couch watching a movie (Robin Hood: Men in Tights) when he asked me if he could kiss me. I was really nervous because I had never kissed before, but I told him yes, "but, no tongue!" Yes, I actually said that (I carried a watermelon?) He leaned in and kissed me and I immediately pulled away and said, "I think I am going to throw up!" I ran to the bathroom and vomited.

Well folks, that is our first kiss story! Yep, it really happened! But, I am so thankful that it did. I am thankful that we have a memorable first kiss story that our children will laugh at. I am thankful that my husband is the only man I have ever kissed. And I am thankful that God has given us almost 8.5 years together to improve it!

Jeremy is a wonderful Christian role model, person, husband, father, son, brother, and friend. He is such a gentleman. Jeremy still opens the door for me when we are getting into the car. He makes Ava's baby food. He does dishes, laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, etc. He makes my life so easy. When we were staying in the hospital after Ava's birth, he changed every single diaper. He called it "diaper time with daddy." :) During that stay, he also woke up every time I had to go to the restroom during the night. He would help me get out of bed and would hold me over the toilet because I could not sit down (I had 3rd degree tears) There where days that I was so physically exhausted that I could not keep my head up to take care of Ava. Jeremy would make me lay down while he took care of her for me. I am truly blessed to have him as a husband. Thank you, God.

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