Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Days Of Thankfulness: Day 12

On beautiful days like today, I am so thankful for family and family dates. I have already given thanks for my family and Jeremy's family, so today I would like to give thanks for the family that we have started and the dates we plan to keep us close together. We have our little Ava, our bun in the oven, and each other. I am so thankful to God each day that I wake up and get to enjoy our little family. 

Today, we decided to go to the zoo. The high today was supposed to be 67 with a 10% chance of rain. It was perfect! We packed our little umbrella stroller and all of Ava's amenities and we were off! Ava took an hour nap on the way to Birmingham (which was perfect) We arrived at the zoo and tried to strap her into the umbrella stroller only to realize that it was BROKEN! Well, okay. That was not enough to deter us. We decided we would rent one. We got up to the counter to pay and the cashier told us that all the bathrooms were closed for the day. Yikes! That was a big one for me since I have a baby the size of a peach sitting on my bladder! She said she would give us half off of our admission and she would allow us to enter and exit the park as needed. Phew! That was a close call!

We had such a great time looking around the zoo. The elephant trainer was with the elephants today, so we got to see some neat tricks, and the 5 new baby lion cubs were on exhibit today! This is the third time Ava has been to the zoo, but it never gets old. Honestly, she was probably more interested in the paper map that she could chew on and the car shaped stroller that we rented, but Jeremy and I definitely needed this break. We didn't even follow the map like we normally do. We just walked very slowly around the zoo and talked quite a bit. Ava was very content to just be pushed around. It was such a nice break for our busy family! I thank God for days like today!

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