Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 20

I received a lot of feedback from my last post. I had several comments on my facebook link and several private messages. It seems that most mothers have those moments of helplessness. I have a hard time expressing how I feel in those moments and so I rarely blog about them. Part of me would like to think that I have it all together (even though I don't, I never did!) and the other part of me feels like I need to be positive because this blog is ultimately a memento to my children. I don't want any of my children growing up thinking that I struggled through motherhood. I want them to know that I have enjoyed every minute of it and they have made me happier than I ever dreamed I could be. Any struggles I experience are usually my fault. I tend to make things a lot more complicated than they need to be! :) I am working on simplicity, though!

Well, yesterday's post was very emotional. Today, I am going to focus on being a little more light hearted. This will not be a long post because I feel like I have been hit by a freight train. My allergies have been horrible the past two days and as a result, I feel lethargic and heavy. The nausea associated with pregnancy does not make any of this any better, but since I am grateful for pregnancy symptoms, I will not complain!

Tonight, Jeremy preached a sermon called Chasers & Racers. I won't go into all the details, but it was a great sermon! He always does such a good job. He makes me proud to be a minister's wife! I am thankful that he has that gift, but I am also thankful that Ava sat through the entire service!!! 

When Ava was a newborn to about 5 months of age, she would sit through an entire worship service. I really thought we had it easy! (we did) When she started getting mobile, she started going crazy! Since that time, Jeremy and I have had to take turns taking her out. As she has gotten older, we have been able to lengthen the amount of time that she spends in the worship service. She is still incredibly active, but we can usually contain her by offering a variety of things: puffs, keys, a bottle, teething toys, etc. The past month or two we have been able to keep her settled until about the last 10 minutes of church. Somedays, she strays from this and we just adapt, but most Sundays she does pretty well. 

Tonight was the cherry on top! She leaned her head against my chest while Jeremy was preaching and ate up most of her goldfish. She did get restless at several points, but I just kept alternating keys and puffs. We made it the whole way through! I was so relieved because this drainage has made me feel like vomiting! I think she must have known that I did not feel well, because she was very cooperative!

So, today I am thankful that my baby girl sat through an entire worship service!

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