Wednesday, November 16, 2011

30 Days Of Thankfulness: Day 16

I am so thankful for couponing! I was introduced to couponing in January 2011, when a friend of mine (Maggie) invited me to a class taught by Tara Whitaker. I was very skeptical of coupons because of the pitfall of buying stuff you don't really need just because there is a coupon. I have fallen into that pitfall a few times, but I try really hard to only buy stuff we NEED. I always ask myself, "Self, do you need this?" If the answer is, "but I really might use it," OR, "I could learn how to bake," then I don't buy it. Chances are, if I don't already have it, I probably will not use it. And I hate baking, why would I buy 10 cake mixes? The only thing I like about baking is licking the spoon and eating the cake!

Anyway, I am thankful for couponing because it came at a time in my life when Jeremy and I really needed it. I was planning to breastfeed Ava for the first year of her life and then my milk supply did not come in (I was producing only 2 oz a day!) Jeremy and I were not prepared for the extra cost of formula. During Ava's first two months of life, she consumed $700 worth of formula. I know that sounds unimaginable, but it really did cost that much. When Tara taught me how to coupon, I saw that amount decrease to about $100 a month. Couponing was worth it just to help with formula and diapers!

With all that being said, I want to post my latest couponing adventure at CVS:

 My first transaction was all the above items. Regardless of what you might think, I did need the candles! I am a candle fanatic! I have to have candles burning in the house on most days. They are my one luxury item that Jeremy allows me to have! Anyway, I got $4 Extra Care Bucks for buying $12 worth of Glade brand (2 candles, 2 oil refills, and Windex) I also got $1 ECB for buying the Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent. I had a coupon for $2 off of 2 Glade candles and a $1 off of 2 Glade refills. 

 In addition to saving $3 on some of my items, all the items I bought were on sale. With sales and coupons, I saved a total of $13.45. I spent $16.61.

 This was my 2nd transaction. I also had a Manufacturer coupon for $2 off of Pampers.

 This box of diapers was on sale for $19.99 (which is much higher than buying at Wal-Mart or Publix, but with coupons and Extra Care Bucks, it was too good of a deal to pass up!) When my diapers rang up, I handed over my $2 coupon as well as my $5 in ECB that I had earned from my first transaction. I also had another $5 is ECB that I had earned when Jeremy bought his elbow brace last week. That took $12 off the price!! I saved a total of $14.50 on this box of diapers because I bought it on sale and used coupons. I spent $9.79. I also earned back $4 in ECB when I bought this box of diapers!

 My 3rd transaction. Neither of these items were on sale, and neither had any rewards, but we NEEDED both desperately! I used my $4 in ECB that I earned from my Pampers purchase and only paid $5.46! I basically got the Bounce for free. :)

In all, I spent $31.86. But, I saved $31.95! I was very pleased with my purchases and my savings!

When I got home, my husband was skeptical (as he always is!) His complaint with my couponing is that CVS and Publix jack up the price of items that could be purchased a lot cheaper at Wal-Mart. I decided that instead of debating him, I would look it up for myself. Here is what I found:

  • Box of Pampers @ Wal-Mart: $19.77 ($17.77 since I had a $2 off coupon)
  • 26 oz bottle of Windex @ Wal-Mart: $2.49
  • 32 loads of A&H detergent @ Wal-Mart: $4.99
  • 2 Glade candles @ Wal-Mart: $6 ($4 since I had a $2 off coupon)
  • 2 Glade refills @ Wal-Mart: $6 ($5 since I had a $1 off coupon)
  • Bounce @ Wal-Mart:  $4.24
  • Generic paper towels @ Wal-Mart: $3.17

The total cost of all the above items at Wal-Mart would have been: $41.66 
That is $9.80 higher than I paid. 

Also remember that Wal-Mart does not have the coupon rewards that CVS has. Yes, it takes some strategy and skill to save at CVS, but it is completely worth it to shop at CVS and not have to fight the crowd and cashiers at Wal-Mart! I can get in and out of CVS in 20 minutes. I wait that long in the line at Wal-Mart!!

1 comment:

  1. I love couponing! We shops at Fry's which is one of 12 grocery stores here and we use coupons from the Sunday paper as well as the local paper from Wednesday! I also got into loading coupons on my card for the store! The most percentage that I have saved was 52% which was about $150 saved!
