Monday, October 8, 2012

Twenty Minutes In The Life Of This Mommy

This is just a blurb, but blurbs sometimes make good blog posts. 

Mondays are usually cleaning days in this household. We survive Sundays by just dropping things on our kitchen counters, our dining room table, and our couch. We all take a 2-3 hour nap and get up to go back to worship. This means that our house looks like a disaster on Monday morning. In this blog post, I am going to focus on how long it takes me to put the socks in the dirty clothes...

10:00-I move the ottoman in Ava's room and find a dirty pair of my socks that I must have kicked off while putting her to bed one night.  I grab them, intending to place them next to the washer, where the load of whites currently sits.

10:05-As I finish straightening her room (socks still in hand, mind you) I realize that although Jeremy did take out the garbage this morning, he forgot to take the trash out of Ava's bathroom. I close Ava's bedroom and then open the bathroom door. I lay the socks on the counter and bundle up the garbage. I take it to the kitchen trash can and place it inside. I then grab a new trash bag from the cabinet. I go back to the bathroom and tidy up by putting the toilet seat down, replacing the old trash bag, closing the shower curtain, and straightening the rug. I pick up the socks and head toward the laundry room.

10:10-As I leave the bathroom, I look at my couch (which is a disaster zone) and decide that on my way to the laundry room, I might as well freshen up the pillows and fold the throw blankets that go on the back of the couch. I lay the socks down on the ottoman and get to work.

10:15-I pick the socks back up and move along through the dining room. That's when I notice the suit jacket, tie, and button up shirt that Jeremy has laid on the back of one of our chairs. Well, that just won't do because the table is completely clean. The chairs need to be clean as well. I take it all off and place it on the back of the couch that I just cleaned. I can't take it to the bedroom because Greta is currently asleep and I don't want to wake her up.

10:17-I finally walk into the kitchen with the socks in my hand, determined to get them into the pile that awaits them. Ava is asking for "choc milk." I tell that she can't have any because she already had some that morning with her breakfast. She will have to settle for water instead. I get her sippy cup and fill it to the brim with ice water. I hand it off to her. She throws it on the ground, giggles, and runs into the living room and pulls off all the pillows from the couch that I just cleaned. I take a deep breath and look down at the socks.

10:20-I open the laundry room door and throw the socks into the white pile. I could do that load of laundry. After all, it did take me twenty minutes to finally get the last remaining bit of dirty clothes into it. "Neh," I say to myself. I go into the living room, sit down on my newly demolished couch, and flip on Cinderella. Ava crawls into my lap with "Me Moush" (Minnie Mouse) and the movie begins...

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