Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The pictures don't do justice.

While I was feeding Greta one day, I heard a "SHSSHSHSHSHSH" sprinkling sound coming from the dining room. I didn't think much of it because I was completely exhausted and just didn't want to get up and see what it was. I continued to feed Greta. As my mind began to clear a little bit, I thought, "I really need to see what that is. Ava is being too quiet and hasn't come back into the living room." I stood up and saw her standing in one of the dining chairs, salt shaker in hand. She looked up at me, blue eyes round as could be. She had decided to "decorate" the table with salt. :) It doesn't look like much, but you can see that the salt shaker is half full (or half empty, depending on how you look at it) It was filled to the brim with salt BEFORE she got hold of it.

Salt was EVERYWHERE! She poured it all over the dining room chairs, the table, the tray centerpiece, the candles in the centerpiece, and the floor. :) It was so much fun to clean up!

Our new rule is: "Leave NOTHING on the table!" If we leave nothing on the table, she can't mess with it! :)

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