Thursday, October 4, 2012

PTP 2012 Or Bust...

I am here to tell you that it was mostly "Or Bust." I don't care, though, because I don't ever want to get into the habit of not doing something because it is "too hard with kids." I am probably a little bit of an extremist when it comes to this, because what parent really thinks that the Titanic Museum is a good idea with a 21 month old and a 2 month old? That would be me...ahem...back to this post. Jeremy and I knew that it would be really hard to manage our family on an 8 day trip with no help. We knew we would be exhausted. We knew our kids would be exhausted. We knew we ran the risk of not being able to do anything at all. BUT...We also knew that we needed to get away for a LONG while. We also knew that we needed to grow spiritually. And, we also knew that as long as we could establish a good daily routine while in TN, our children would not be an issue. And they weren't. Jeremy was able to attend lectures on most days and I was able to attend lectures on 2-3 days of the trip. We saved our afternoons for small family outings and activities. We must have completely worn our kids out because they both slept the whole way home! We fed Greta 1 time on the way home (vs. the 3 times we fed her on the way to TN) We were able to arrive home, completely unpack, and complete the eight loads of laundry that we accumulated on our trip. It was a tough trip, but it was completely worth the memories. 

With all that being said, these are the only two photos I have from PTP. I really wanted to get pictures of Ava in her Bible class. I wanted pictures of Greta next to the hotel fountain. I wanted pictures of our children with all of our Texas friends that we are able to meet up with every year. Too bad, so sad! Maybe next year... :)

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