Monday, December 12, 2011

14 Weeks And How We Found Out

Yesterday was a special day because I reached 14 weeks of pregnancy! Sundays are when my week rolls over. With Ava, it was Thursdays. I am officially in my second trimester of pregnancy!

Here are some neat things that are happening this week or have already happened:

  • our baby's kidneys are producing urine
  • his/her liver is producing bile
  • meconium is storing up in the intestines
  • he/she can squint, frown, and maybe suck his/her thumb
  • a fingerprint has already developed
  • he/she weighs about an ounce-an ounce and a half
  • he/she measures about 3.5 inches in length
  • movements are less chaotic and more graceful
I have not felt this baby kick yet. I am not worried at all because I was about 22 weeks pregnant with Ava before I felt anything definite. Everything I have read tells me that I will feel movement sooner the second time around, but it is still usually by the 18th week.

This pregnancy has been SO different than my pregnancy with Ava. With Ava, I felt sick from the very beginning until my 5th-6th month. I threw up every single morning for about 6 months. I got nosebleeds at least twice a week the whole duration of my pregnancy with Ava. I had sciatica from the 4th month until the end of my pregnancy. With that being said, it was still a great pregnancy. I enjoyed every minute of it. I had so many more symptoms with her, but it was still a really easy pregnancy. This time around seems even easier (I didn't think that could be possible!) I was really nauseous for about three weeks this time around, but that seems to have ebbed away. I am a lot more tired this time around, but that really could be attributed to chasing a very active one year old around the house! I realize that anything could still happen, but so far, it has been great!

How we found out
I never actually posted how we found out we were pregnant this time around. It was October 2nd (a Sunday) and a friend of mine (Heather Mills) had announced she was pregnant that night. Her youngest son, Talon, had worn a Big Brother shirt to worship that night to make the big announcement! I never saw the shirt. Heather came up to me after church services were over and said, "Did Ty (her oldest son) tell you his big news?" I immediately tried to guess something to do with school. Ty smiled at me and shook his head. He reached over without saying a word and patted Heather's belly. I just cracked up laughing and congratulated her! I was so excited for her!

After that exchange, I went over to Jeremy and told him that we had to leave right then. On the way home I explained to him that Heather's announcement really made me think that we needed to buy a pregnancy test. He, of course, wanted to wait a week or two. I could see his point. My cycles had been irregular since giving birth to Ava, but I had noticed the past few months that they had started to shorten in length. If I was correct, then I was three days late. I finally talked him into it. We went to Wal-Mart and bought the Equate brand. We weren't going to waste money on the really expensive one because neither of us really believed that I was pregnant.

We got home and I read the directions on the test (I didn't take one with Ava because I found out at the doctor's office on accident when I went in for the stomach flu) Jeremy followed me into the bathroom with Ava on his hip. I protested and said I was not going to take the test in front of him. His response, "Oh yes you are! We are doing this as a family!" I cracked up laughing! I took the test and kept it in my hand instead of laying it on the floor. After about a minute, I saw a plus sign. I started laughing so hard! Jeremy asked me what I was laughing at and as I handed the test to him, I said, "It looks like Ava is going to be a big sister!' His eyes got really big and he started laughing too. Ava started clapping even though she had no idea what all the fuss was about. It was a great night!


  1. CONGRATS!!!! That is such exciting news! So happy for you!

  2. That is such a cute story! My favorite part was when Jeremy wanted him and Ava to share the bathroom experience as a family! Wonder if that will continue???? LOL

  3. So excited for you guys, Brooke! Children are such a blessing and an heritage from the Lord; enjoy every moment--it goes by SO fast! Love and miss you...Sarah Hartman

  4. Thank you all for the sweet comments! We are very excited!
