Thursday, August 1, 2013

There Is No Parenting Handbook...

When Ava was born, I knew that I didn't have a parenting handbook. I knew I would have to figure things out on my own. And I was ok with that. But, still sometimes I wish I had something to help guide me. You know what I mean? In those situations where you think, "What do I do?" "what was Ava thinking?" Let me give a personal example:

Yesterday, Ava woke up screaming from her nap. I walked into her room to find her laying at a strange angle with her leg double stuck in the slats in her bed. When I say "double stuck," I mean that her leg was bent with her foot touching the back of her thigh. It was stuck in two places the lowest place was her calf right below her knee, and the highest place was her thigh right above her knee. In the past, I have been able to just shimmy her leg up the slat until it comes out. But not this time. I worked on it and worked on it. I couldn't put vaseline on it because she was wearing pants. Meanwhile, Ava was screaming and Greta woke up from her nap upset because she heard the commotion. I had to turn Ava over on her stomach in the bed so that I could try to get her leg out. I had just reached the conclusion that I was going to have to saw her bed in half when all of a sudden her leg popped out. I called Jeremy very upset and explained what happened. I held Ava in my arms while she and I both calmed down. When I took off her pants to look at her leg, a bruise had already formed and it had already started to swell. I called one of my nurse friends (Keri) and explained what had happened. She said that if Ava was able to put pressure on it and walk on it (and she was) that it was probably not broken or fractured. She told me to put and ice pack on it for 20 minutes and then take it off (20 minutes on 20 minutes off) Keri told me to give Ava Motrin for inflammation and pain relief.

Whew! What an ordeal! When Ava woke up this morning, she still complained about her leg hurting. She took the morning pretty easy with an ice pack. Eventually, she got up and played and Greta stole the ice-pack. See what I mean about a handbook? Even though I don't have one, I am thankful for friends that I can call up in a bind :)

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