Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Mission

The purpose of our New York Mission Trip was to aid the Long Island Church of Christ in distributing items to victims of Hurricane Sandy. Far Rockaway (a part of Queens, I think) was hit the hardest during the storm, and so the LICOC immediately helped people by passing out food and water. Later, when people were able to move back in to their homes, the LICOC passed out furniture and home goods. While we were in NYC, our church group participated in a door knocking campaign to help the LICOC start Bible studies with those who had been helped after the storm. It was an amazing experience and I feel as though I have known my brothers and sisters in Long Island my whole life. I still remain in contact with the girls that we stayed with. They will hopefully get to visit Alabama in the near future.

 After Sunday worship, an ice cream truck pulls up outside the church building and everyone congregates out on the lawn eating their ice cream. The kids pull out their footballs and play games while parents talk to one another. Some people travel as much as an hour and a half to be at Sunday worship, so they really make the most of their time together.

Below are pictures of us at the Aponte's home in Queens. Every morning, we would drive to their home to get our assignments. It was always exciting to see who all I would be paired with each day and what our assignment would be. On the first day, I was with my hostesses at a mall in Queens. We walked up to people and asked for prayer requests and Bible studies. On the second day, I was with a different group that went to homes and actually led Bible studies with people. I got to be a part of two Bible studies that taught people what they needed to do to obey the Gospel. On the last day of the campaign, I was with a few of my sisters from Northport. We led one Bible study with a family who had just moved back into their home. And the rest of the afternoon was spent knocking on doors asking for Bible studies.

 I had Dunkin' Donuts twice a day every day that I was in New York. I am a true tourist :)

On the last day of our campaign, we all gathered at a barbeque on the 4th of July at the Aponte's home. Everyone we had met during the week, Christian and non-Christian, was invited to come to this feast and eat. They would also hear a Gospel presentation. We were so excited that three people responded and wanted to be baptized. Praise God!! What an amazing week!

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