Friday, August 2, 2013

Greta @ 14 Months!

I am so bad... I haven't posted one of Greta's monthly updates since she was 10 months. Ouch! Everyone says that you cannot keep up with the second child the way you can keep up with the first one and I am living proof! But I do try and that is what really counts. I feel like I am as fair as I can be with both of my girls and what I cannot do for Greta on the blog, I make up for in cuddle time :)

SO, with that disclaimer, let's get started:

Stats from 1 year:

Weight: 19 lbs. 4 oz. (25%)
Height: 28.5 inches (7%)
Head: 75%

She is still my petite little baby girl. In the last month, she has gained enough weight to put her facing forward in the car. She feels like such a big girl!


  • Greta sleeps in the same bedroom with Ava and they both sleep 12-13 hours every night.
  • She takes a 3 hour nap in her pack-n-play in the guest bedroom. She and Ava start their nap at different times, and though the nap overlaps, there is a need for them to be in different rooms.
  • Miss Greta Beth has 5 teeth! There is a little cuspid coming through the gums on the bottom, but it isn't quite in yet.
  • She is in size 4 diapers
  • Greta wears a size 4 shoe and wears 9 month-12 month clothing.
  • Her hair is so blonde!!! It isn't a white blonde, it is more of a champagne blonde. So pretty with her blue eyes.
  • Greta took her first steps last month but she insists on crawling. I am not worried about it at all. She will walk when she is ready.
  • We started Greta on a sippy cup last month. She still has a bottle twice a day, but the sippy cup of water is for throughout the day. She has done really well with it.
  • She takes a 9 oz bottle of warm milk in the morning and a 9 oz warm bottle of milk right before bedtime.
  • At lunch and dinner, Greta will eat a 4 oz container of pureed veggies and a 4 oz. container of fruit. She will usually have milk or water to drink. No juice.
  • Greta can say: "Mum" (mom) "Dad" (dad) "bah" (bottle) "boh"(ball) "bye" (book usually her Bible) "Hi" (hi) and "bye-bye" (goodbye) She has lots of "B" words down pat! "Dah" means "that," and she will usually point her finger at whatever she wants. She also says "puh" for dog. I think maybe she gets the "p" sound from puppy. I taught Ava to say "dog," but I think I have taught Greta to say "puppy."
  • She is much quieter than Ava. For a while, she didn't talk. She babbled and hummed, so I didn't worry about her speech being delayed, but she just preferred to be quiet. :)
  • Greta is very sensitive. She doesn't like loud noises or large groups of people. She sees visitors to our home as a threat to her personal space, so she likes to sit on my lap or Jeremy's lap until she gets comfortable with the people around her. I also know that whenever we have a play date at a friends house, I will need to keep her with me for the first 10 minutes. She takes her time getting comfortable before she will get down and play.
  • Greta's favorite toy to play with is balls.
  • If I am eating any food and Greta sees me putting it into my mouth, she will drop whatever she is doing and crawl to me really fast. She LOVES to eat whatever I am eating! Whenever I break off a piece of my food and give it to her, she smiles really big and hums. It is so sweet :)
  • Greta is definitely my cuddler! She will lay her head on my shoulder and sit for several minutes at a time. This is so silly, but I call her my "ittle." I just took the "l" off of the word "little." She loves that nickname!
  • Greta is a Momma's Baby, but she is also a Daddy's Girl. This has just become a recent thing. She gets so EXCITED when Jeremy comes home from work (if she is awake) She loves when he leads singing at church and when he comes to our pew to sit down. It is so sweet to watch her and Jeremy.
  • Greta's lovey is named Emmeline. She takes Emmeline everywhere! Recently, I have started calling Emmeline "StinkyDoll." She gets so dirty and nasty from being taken everywhere. I am reminded of Grossie! (Ava's lovey until Elephant took its place)
  • Greta sits through her Bible class and worship. It is now really rare that I have to take her out of both. She is a really good girl.
  • Greta can climb up the slide in our backyard and has just learned to turn around and slide down on her belly.
I have probably missed some things, so I will just post different things as I think of them!

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