Monday, July 2, 2012

Tuckered Out!!

Friday was Greta's 1 Month pictures with Terri Robertson. I am not gonna lie. The day was harrowing! I was using Greta as my alarm clock. She should have woke me up at 10 A.M. but she woke me up at 11 instead.  Ava also chose that day to sleep almost 15 hours at night!!!!! I was thankful we all got the rest we needed, but I had a lot to do that day! 

When I walked into Ava's bedroom, I noticed a HUGE, awful, red rash around her mouth. Apparently, she got it from sucking on Grossy (I chose that day to cut off Grossy's ears and mane so that there is nothing else to suck on. I cut off the tail and the little knots on Grossy's head several weeks ago.) I called Terri in a panic and asked if we needed to reschedule or if the rash could be airbrushed. Thankfully, we were able to keep our appointment and the rash will be airbrushed out of the pictures.

I quickly fed both girls and threw on some clothes so that I could go to Wal-Mart. I had to buy a tutu kit  to make Ava's outfit that she would wear in her sister pictures with Greta (Greta also had a really cute pink tutu that she wore) I was really proud of myself (I was actually telling myself in my head how proud I was) :) I was able to get both girls and a double stroller around Wal-Mart and out in less than twenty minutes. I was power walking!!!

We then went to the church building to pick up Jeremy for lunch. We grabbed a bite to eat at Burger King, dropped him back off at work and then went home. I basically threw some food at Ava while I put together her tutu dress and rhinestone pin. I was also able to feed Greta in the fifteen minutes we had before it was time to leave. I loaded up the car with all the props we would need and got both girls situated in the car. We were off!!

We actually arrived twenty minutes early. Terri bragged on me a little bit and said that she had never had a mom of a newborn be early to a shoot. YAY! I should get a medal! :) You have to understand why I am unabashedly bragging on myself: I am NEVER early to anything. If an event starts at 5 pm, I am there at 5 pm. Okay, enough bragging! We made it through the shoot. Both girls did awesome and Terri did a fantastic job (as always!) I cannot wait to see the pictures!!

It was a lot of work to get to my babies ready, but it was worth it! On the way home, I breathed a sigh of relief. I had a few minutes of silence while both girls were asleep. When I pulled into town, I decided to treat myself to a small chocolate dipped ice cream cone at DQ. When I pulled into the drive thru, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw this:

I guess picture day wore Ava out as much as it did me!!

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