Tuesday, February 28, 2012

24 Weeks & Greta's 25 Week Check-Up

Two Sundays ago, I reached 24 weeks of pregnancy! Here is what I look like with Baby Greta Elizabeth in tow:

This is 24 weeks pregnant with Ava. Haha! It's true what everyone says about showing your pregnancy a lot sooner with the second child!

Greta is a little over a pound and about a foot long. Her brain is developing very quickly as are her taste buds. In her lungs, branches of the respiratory "tree" are forming and the cells that make surfactant (the stuff that allows air sacs to fill up after birth) are forming. I am now able to see her movements on the outside. She is not overly energetic, I am just more stretched out with this pregnancy and can see more and notice more.

I visited Dr. Emig yesterday for my 25 week appointment. I passed my glucose tolerance test (yay!!) but my iron was a little bit low. One of the nurses wanted to prescribe Ferrous Sulfate, but I told her that I would just double up on my prenatal vitamin. Ferrous Sulfate has some really serious side affects and I don't want to put myself that position. Greta's heartbeat was 142 bpm. She must have been sleeping!! When Dr. Emig came in, she measured my fundal height. I am measuring at 26 weeks. Just one week ahead! I consistently measured 4 weeks ahead with Ava. She scheduled my next appointment for 3 weeks from then! After my 28 week appointment, I will start seeing the doctor every two weeks!! I am so excited with the way this pregnancy has progressed. I feel like I have been a lot calmer and have not had as many questions. It has been great!!

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