Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ava's 18 Month Check-Up + 3 More Things

Today I packed up both girls and the Buick so we could make a visit to our good friends at West Alabama Pediatrics. I wanted to schedule Greta's two week check-up and Ava's 18 month visit for the same day, but I could not because they were completely booked. It was a bit of a hassle to get both girls out for both appointments, but this is the life of a mom with two kids. I guess I need to go ahead and learn what it's like! 

Today was a whole lot smoother than last week's outing. I knew this time that Ava needed to sit in the chair next to me rather than roam the waiting area. That got her into a lot of trouble last time (imagine me feeding a newborn while Ava runs to the water fountain and continually pushes the button to make the water come out while I stare her down and tell her, "do not do it again." All the while she looks at me as if to say, "what are you gonna do about it?" Fun times...) Anyway, this time I came armed with "shish" (goldfish) and her sippy cup. Last time I learned that graham crackers would not do the trick! She actually sat next to me the whole time and Greta slept :)

The first thing the nurse did was measure Ava's noggin. 49 cm! 95th percentile! WOW!! What mighty big brains you have! I then stripped her down to a clean diaper and had her weighed and measured. She weighed 24 lbs. and 11 oz. still just 50th percentile. She measured 31.25 in. in length. 50th percentile as well. All good! When the doctor came in, she checked Ava's heartbeat and all the usual stuff. She asked me about Ava's head cold and I told her that every time Ava has teeth coming in, she will get a cough and a runny nose. That was when Dr. Roberts informed me that Ava has an ear infection in her left ear! I had no idea. Other than a little bit of whiny behavior the past few days, Ava has not given me any reason to think that she was sick! I guess she has a really high tolerance for pain! She was prescribed 6mL of Amoxicillin twice a day for 10 days. We will go back to see the doctor in two weeks to make sure that the infection is all gone. Ava then received two shots in her leg and we came back home. The shots were no fun, but after about two minutes of crying, she was completely fine. :)

I forgot to list 3 things in my post about Ava's 18 month milestones:

1.) Ava says "flower" and it sounds like this: "vrowvra" :) Pretty cute!

2.) Sometimes when Ava is really trying to get my attention she will say, "Mommy-ami-ami-ami!" I LOVE this!

3.) Ava helps me burp Greta. She will softly pat her on the back and can even take the burp cloth and gently wipe Greta's mouth. She is so precious!!!

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