Sunday, April 29, 2012

Re-Date Night

Yesterday, we packed a cinch sack full of Ava's snacks, diapers, wipes, and toys, and headed back to Birmingham to visit the Botanical Gardens. We also ate at PF Changs...again. We didn't do it on purpose, but we replicated our exact date from two weeks ago. We just woke up in the mood to go somewhere pretty and to eat something different. 

I have been without the use of my camera for a full two weeks because my memory chip was full. I really need to go through all those pictures and back them up, but that takes time that I really don't have right now. It was easier to just buy a new chip.

I was so excited for Ava to have a pretty place to run around and have fun. She doesn't care about the prettiness, she just wants to run. I do, though! We play in our very small backyard every day and I needed a change of pace. I was surprised that Jeremy actually suggested it. My plan was to visit the quad on campus! We will probably do that too sometime soon :) 

Anyway, I got lots of pretty pictures of the roses in bloom. Two weeks ago, there were buds everywhere but no roses. I was so excited to see all the beautiful colors. Jeremy was so good to let me walk around and take pictures while he chased Ava all around the paths. It was like a gigantic maze to her!!! She had so much fun and even managed to pop in on some prom pictures. Everyone was thrilled about that!!! I tried to take pictures of her, but she was in full rebellion mode when she saw my camera. I guess it's because she knows she has to be somewhat still when it comes out. I can't wait to have a really nice camera with a faster shutter. I need one to capture anything that she does. She is so fast!!!

Okay...enough with my rambling. I treat this blog as a one sided conversation sometimes! I tried to fiddle with the editing options on my photos. I have done it before for little things like cropping. But today I really sat down and tried to figure out a few things. I think I like the finished product, but I would like to continue learning. I am also learning that my lens is not clear enough. I have been comparing my photos to professional photos and realize how much better their lens is. One day... :)

Here are the photos:

This WAS a beautiful white rose. The absolute very first thing Ava did when we took her out of her stroller was hit the petals of this rose to the ground.  We had to have a little talk with her about "patting" the roses. She knows what "pat" means, so she actually did do better after that. No more roses were harmed during the making of this blog post! :)

 Poor, poor petals :(



1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite posts so far! I love it! I bought a yellow rose tree and planted it not long ago, however, the leaves are growing and it has buds, they haven't sprouted yet. I hope mine turn out as pretty as the one you took pictures of. :)
