Friday, December 14, 2012

Catching Up...

Well, I really don't know why I chose today to get back to blogging. It has been almost two months since my last post. Why not wait another two months? :) I guess I have a lot on my mind and just need to write.

Today will go down in the history books. Details are still emerging about everything that happened in the elementary school in Connecticut. A gunman walked into an elementary school where his mother taught kindergarten. He walked into her classroom and killed her and several of her students. He then killed himself. I am so saddened and angered by this, but I know who my God is.

My purpose of this post is not to re-hash everything that happened in that classroom, but to catch up on the life that we have been living since my last post.

I now have a 2 year old and a 6 month old. My living room, kitchen, and dining room look completely different than they did 2 months ago. We have laid Granny to rest. Ava and Greta now share the same bedroom (Officially!) We have a new niece (Kate) And I have lost 25 lbs. :)

Our lives are flying by faster than I can keep a record of. Blogging has become really difficult as of late. Chasing a 2 year old around the house and keeping a 6 month old occupied takes up most of my time. My house stays in disaster mode most of the time. When the girls take a nap, I either clean the house or take a bubble bath. Blogging has not been put on the back burner, it isn't even on the stove. Now that I am on thyroid medicine, I am hoping to have more energy and not feel so drained. Hopefully, blogging will get back on the stove :)

I guess that's it for now. I have a blog list of about 40-50 things that need to go on here before the new year. Expect to see about 10 posts a day. :)

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